Can you tell from my salutation where I went for my vacation?? JAPAN!!
I had a couple of very good polish experiences and 2 not so good ones!!
The not so good ones were: finding an awesome nail supply shop with tons of Japanese brand polishes...but being asked to leave the store because I was not a member nor eligable for a membership. And, dropping my cute little Anna Sui bag with 2 polishes on the train tracks while I was digging something out of my purse. Boooooooo!!
My win was finding a very well stocked nail section at a very large Daiso (which is very similar to a dollar store except it was about 5 stories tall!!) Here is a picture of one of the nail polish aisles.
Here are just a few shots of what I bought.

The 1st 3 are holo polishes. Very similar texture as OPI DS holos bt not unique.

The 1st 3 bottles in this shot are all very sheer so I will be using them as top coats. Pink, red and teal shimmers, very similar to the CND effects!

These are my favorites of the lot! These all have a very nice glass fleck shimmer quality tot hem. I am in love with the deep teal and the purple.

Some glitters and cute little bunny bottles!

Random glitters and shimmers. The last one is very similar to ORLY Royal Navy but it a bit of purple in it.
Check out how cute this bottle is!!

Unfortunately the polish inside was very thick and would hardly move! It required TONS of thinner to make it useable. I am hoping to get some of these into my mani rotation soon so keep an eye out if you are interested!