Thursday, February 24, 2011

I swear I'm still around!!

Hi everyone! 

I swear I am still around!!  I've been busy with a few things lately and have not had a lot of time for much else.  I have been polishing still but have not been able to take any photos...well, not being able is not really an excuse.  It's more like I haven't had the time or energy to take the photos, edit them then post them.

Lately, my main time eater has been my new adventure into roller derby!!  I had been aware of the sport for a few years...we also used to watch it back in the late 70's and early 80's with my grandmother on TV as well.  I had been a competitive figure skater (on quad roller skates...not ice skates) for several years in the 70's and early 80's so I have a little bit of a skating background.

Jump forward about 25 years and here I am, rolling around the roller rink again!!  My BFF had been talking about derby for several months but we did not know anything about where we could train or get involved with a team.  It was by complete chance that we found our new derby home! 

I've now been training for about 3 months.  I got to skate in my 1st bout last weekend!!  We lost but it was so much fun and made me love my sport even more!! 

My nails are still painted but I have been noticing that I have a little more tolerance for tip wear as my mani's are staying on for about 3-5 days as opposed to the previous 1-3 days.  I've slowed down on my hauling...which can actually be a good thing as I had gotten a little out of control with my purchases for a little while. 
Thanks for sticking around through my abscence...I am hoping to get my time balanced out so I can post more about polish.  Hopefully you won't mind an occassional post about my roller derby adventure!!


  1. PLEASE PLEASE do tell us some Roller Derby stories! i am super interested! my bestie back in Des Moines does roller derby, i am jealous of you both! I bet you are getting quite a workout too!

  2. It is a great workout!! I have gained quite a bit of muscle in the past 2 months and dropped some fat. Maybe not a lot of weight but definitely have lost inches! One of the best workouts I've had in a long time.
    I also just really love the skating part of it. Makes me feel like I'm 7 years old in the skating rink listening to all that great 70's top 40!! I promise to do a good post with pictures from my bout when I get them.
